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Canoeing Probably one of the most exciting activities I remember. The lake can almost look overwhelming before you start paddling, but once you're in the water it's all up to you. The first time I canoed was at Kamp, and I remember not wanting to fall in, but sometimes that can be the most thrilling part of ... (See More)
Khalil Khaos Khalil Khaos is the best part of the weekend. Not only is it challenging and educational, it is tons of fun. My favorite station is "Spot the not". This is one of 3 mental challenge stations. You must... (See More)
Khalil Khaos
Congregational Prayers I love how we make prayer together 5 times a day at camp. I got to call the adhan for Fajr and lead everybody in Isha prayer. I wish it was this easy to make prayer every day when I am at home. I wish... (See More)
Congregational Prayers
Interactive Workshops All of our sessions are content rich, yet activity based. Participants learn through diagram models, guided practice, group discussion, public speaking, team building, and self-directed presentations.... (See More)
Interactive Workshops
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July 9-13, 2025

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Application Closes on May 31st

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For Just $5/month, less than the cost of a cup of coffee or a movie ticket, you can contribute to the growth and development of Kamp Khail.

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Sponsor a Youth

Each year over 60% of our participants request a scholarship to attend. It is often difficult for families to pay the registration fee plus the cost of transportation for more than one of their children to attend our camp.

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Did You Know?
Kamp Khalil Campfire
Benefits of Camp The camp experience enriches lives and changes the world. Read More...
Our Success
Team Work makes Dream Work a Success Be a part of our growing organization! Read More...
See What All The Talk is About!
"I would like to thank you for donating your precious time, money, and provisions for us to learn and have fun. Because of your sacrifice, us kids will mature into men and women of the new generation"
"Kamp Khalil has really impacted my life as a young Muslim woman. I gained knowledge from the workshops that I can use in my everyday life and be aware."
"Thank you to the volunteers, chef, team leaders, the founders, and participants for making my first 3 years extravagant. Insha'Allah, I will be attending a few more years. I thank Allah for everything you have done."
"Thank you for donating. Camps like these are important to Muslim youth, especially the ones that go to public school. Some campers that do not know how to call the athan, iqamah, or lead prayer learn how to do so here. I enjoy being a camper at Kamp Khalil. "